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14th European Conference on Ecological Restoration

Bridging Science, Practice, and Policy of Nature Restoration

26-30 August
European Capital of Culture 2024


SERE2024 is an international conference organised by the European Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SERE), taking place in Europe every two years (see here). During the last week of August 2024, everyone working on the science, practice, and policy of ecological restoration will come together in Estonia, Tartu, to share knowledge and discuss the future of European nature.
Ecological restoration is a topic that holds a prominent place on both political and scientific agendas. The decline in biodiversity demands our urgent attention, and degraded ecosystems around the world require an effective and knowledge-driven path to recovery. The EU is actively working on the Nature Restoration Law, and in 2024, new and ambitious goals and actions to reverse biodiversity decline in Europe will be agreed upon.

The SERE2024 conference in Tartu will serve as an excellent meeting point during this crucial time to develop the most effective approaches for the long-term recovery of nature. It offers an opportunity to foster the reciprocal exchange of ideas, knowledge, and experiences among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers from across Europe. The sessions will cover topics ranging from the theory and practice of restoring various ecosystems (wetlands, grasslands, forests, rivers, agroecosystems, urban and marine ecosystems) to the socioeconomic and political contexts of ecological restoration. Special focus will be put on discussions focused on the development of national restoration plans under the new EU law.

We welcome everyone to Tartu in 2024!

On behalf of the organising committee,
Aveliina Helm, Triin Reitalu, Jordi Cortina-Segarra and SER Europe Board

Important Dates

Call for sessions:
Call for workshops and crash courses:
Details on excursions:
Abstract submission:
Feedback to abstracts:
Registration early bird:

Long pre-conference excursion:
Workshops and crash courses:
Full-day tours:
Half-day tours:
Full conference days:

09.11.2023 - 31.01.2024
23.11.2023 - 31.01.2024
15.02.2024 - 01.04.2024
10.02.2024 - EXTENDED until 22.05.2024
23.05.2024 - 01.08.2024

23.08.2024 - 25.08.2024
25.08.2024 & 31.08.2024
26.08.2024 & 31.08.2024
27.08.2024 - 30.08.2024

The Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) is a global organisation dedicated to promoting the science, practice, and policy of ecological restoration to protect biodiversity, improve adaptation to climate change, mitigate its effects, and restore a healthy relationship between nature and society.

The European Chapter of the Society (SERE) brings together members from 37 countries. SERE operates as a 'network of networks', collaborating with national restoration organisations across Europe to advance science-based approaches and best practices in ecological restoration.


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