Are there limits on how many sessions I can participate in?

There is no limit on how many sessions you can participate in. Please mind that some sessions overlap.

Do I have to present at the conference to attend?

Absolutely not! We welcome attendance around the world, regardless of presenting in conference sessions.

How can I register for workshops and crash courses?

Workshop and crash courses are available in the registration form. You can select these together with your overall registration to the conference.

Is online participation and presenting an option?

Online participation is an option, but it is limited. Online participation includes a live broadcast of all plenary lectures. Also, the whole programme in one parallel session will be available to online participants. There will not be a live broadcast from all parallel sessions. Join us at the conference venue and get the full experience!
The parallel session available to online participants features online presentations selected by session chairs from submitted abstracts.

I have registered for the conference and received the invoice on my e-mail. I have already paid it but have not received a confirmation stating that my payment has been received. Is everything in order with my payment?

When the payment has been made, the system will not send out an automatised confirmation letter.
The payments are being checked regularly and the delegate services will personally contact the delegates whose payments have not arrived on time.
If you have registered, received an automatic confirmation e-mail with your registration data and paid the invoice, your registration will be confirmed automatically.

I haven't received an invoice/a confirmation e-mail about my registration.

Sometimes the system malfunctions and will not send the invoice/confirmation e-mail.
If you haven't received yours within one hour of registering, please get in touch with our Delegate Services at info@sere2024.org.
Before pressing the "Register" button, please double-check your e-mail address for any mistakes.

I registered before the Early Bird deadline, but I can't pay before this deadline. Am I still going to get the Early Bird registration rate, or do I have to pay the higher fee?

If you register with the Early Bird rate, the payment must be completed by the end of the Early Bird registration deadline or the payment deadline marked on your invoice. If you exceed both, the higher fee automatically applies to the registration, and you will receive a new invoice from the Delegate Services. The late fee must be paid in full before the congress, or the participant will be required to pay the higher on-site fee in cash or by credit card at the registration desk.
If you register on the last day of Early Bird, your payment deadline on the invoice will still be 7 days.

What does the registration fee include and exclude?

The registration fee includes access to all scientific sessions, exhibitions, and poster areas; coffee breaks and lunches during the event; social events: icebreaker, welcome reception; excursions: half- and full-day trips; delegate kit; certificate of attendance; all taxes.
The registration fee excludes accommodation; conference dinner; courses and workshops; long pre-conference tour.

Can I get a discounted fee?

All the categories of discounted fees and terms can be found here: https://sere2024.org/registration/

I have registered for the congress, but unfortunately, I am not able to attend. Is it possible to get a refund for my participation fee?

Please find the cancellation terms HERE.
Name changes are free of charge. If you have found yourself a replacement, please inform us by writing to info@sere2024.org.

I need a visa to visit Estonia and join the congress. How to proceed?

You can request a Letter of Invitation via the registration form.
An official Letter of Invitation to obtain a visa and authorisation to attend the SERE 2024 conference in Tartu, Estonia will be issued ONLY after completing the registration form, and we have received full payment for your hotel booking and registration.
Letters of Invitation will not be issued to parties who have not registered and paid in full.
All Letters of Invitation will be issued at the discretion of the conference organisers.
All expenses incurred in relation to the delegate’s attendance at the conference are the sole responsibility of the delegate and the conference organisers hold no responsibility for the outcome of an individual’s visa application.
In case of visa refusal, we will refund the registration fee in the full amount (minus the administration fee of 50€) based on the written proof of visa refusal up to one month before the event.


We don't send confirmation letters about successful payments. We will notify you in case we have not received your payment after the payment deadline. We don't need you to send us payment receipts/confirmation about your payment. We check payments daily and see the paid sums in our online bank.

I have registered for the conference and received the invoice on my e-mail. I have already paid it but have not received a confirmation stating that my payment has been received. Is everything in order with my payment?

When the payment has been made, the system will not send out an automatised confirmation letter.
The payments are being checked regularly and the Delegate Services will personally contact the delegates whose payments have not arrived on time.
If you have registered, received an automatic confirmation e-mail with your registration data and paid the invoice, your registration will be confirmed automatically.

I haven't received an invoice/a confirmation e-mail about my registration.

Sometimes the system malfunctions and will not send out the invoice/confirmation e-mail.
If you haven't received yours within one hour of registering, please contact our Delegate Services.
Before pressing the "Register" button, please double-check your e-mail address for any mistakes.

Can I pay several invoices with one bank transfer?

Yes, you can pay the registration invoices of you and your colleagues in a single transfer - it is important to write all invoice numbers in the payment description.

Can we share bank transfer fees?

The participant needs to pay all bank transfer fees, including the correspondent bank fees.
If you click that bank fees should be shared, a smaller amount will reach the Delegate Services and you will need to cover the missing amount later. 

My organisation is taking longer than expected to pay my invoice and I'm worried that my registration will be cancelled.

We will not cancel any registrations before contacting the delegates beforehand. If you are worried you won't be able to make the payment on time, please contact our delegate services and they will extend the deadline for you.

My credit card payment was unsuccessful. What to do?

If your payment was cancelled, please contact Delegate Services and they will send you a new link for the payment.

Do I have to pay VAT?

According to the Estonian VAT law (§ 10 lg 1 and § 10 lg 2 p 21) entrance services provided in Estonia will be charged with 22% VAT.

I need to make some changes on my invoice.

Please contact our delegate services at info@sere2024.org, they will gladly make the necessary changes and send you an updated invoice.


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