green conference

We care about the environment!

SERE2024 acknowledges the environmental impact of organising such a large event and aims to provide a sustainable conference and keep it green.

The conference participants wearing their badges will be able to use public transport buses in Tartu free of charge courtesy of the City Government. The name badge serves as a ticket.

⇒ In Estonia, tap water is drinkable and will be served at the conference venue. We encourage everybody to bring your reusable water bottles.

⇒ A digital abstract book will be provided.

⇒ Ecological sustainability will be considered concerning the delegate kit and catering.

⇒ There are affordable electric scooter and bike rental points all over Tartu. We also encourage using electrical taxis.

⇒ You can calculate the carbon dioxide emissions from air travel via the ICAO Carbon Emission Calculator here. If you would like to buy some offsets, HERE are some interesting options for you.

We try to serve as much vegetarian food as possible. When serving non-vegetarian food, we take into account the traffic light system regarding meat and fish: Estonian Food Guide is a consumer tool that helps to make planet-friendly food choices. Besides the general recommendations, Meat Guide and Fish Guide are available. With a traffic light system, it guides to better options (

• Meat Guide. For the assessments the following have been considered: climate impact, biodiversity impact, pesticide use, and eutrophication potential. The Meat Guide is prepared by the Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF) in cooperation with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

• Fish Guide. For the assessments the following has been considered: the current status of fish populations, the environmental impact of fishing methods and how well the sector is managed. The Fish Guide is prepared by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF). 

Principles for Sustainable Events

Publicon OÜ as the organiser has been dedicated to being as sustainable and eco-friendly as possible for the last 10 years, constantly improving, moving towards the best practices and doing our part to be kind to the environment and contribute to society. We have pledged to follow the sustainable event principles summarised by the Events Industry Council. Click on the logo below to read more!

For each event that we organize, we try to minimise our effects on the environment and promote a healthy, inclusive society by considering all the needs our clients and participants might have.

Principles For Sustainable Events Badge 2

Some of the things we do:

⇒ Food - All our food for the events comes from local, high-quality producers. The offered food takes into account allergies and preferences, no participant goes hungry. We take into account the amount people usually eat (according to our long experience) so that little food is left unconsumed. In the case of excess, the food finds its way to food banks.

⇒ Education - from 2022, we regularly contribute to a project that offers financial support to youth that grew up in an orphanage and despite the difficulties of this lifepath have managed to make it to the university.

⇒ Gender equality - As a workplace, Publicon has no tolerance for any kind of discrimination. As conference organiser, we take into account gender-based needs. For example, women that are pregnant or have small children are welcome at our events - we offer separate rooms for their needs and satisfy any requests they might have.

⇒ Sanitation - We channel business only to venues that provide proper sanitation and offer drinkable high-quality tap water. At our events, participants always have access to clean drinking water. 

⇒ Recycling - If at all possible, the waste that is produced at our conferences finds its way to proper waste management facilities. Everything that can be reused, will.


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SERE2024 Venues

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